Culture, Society & Creative Media, Uncategorized

Plutocrats, payments and promises!

‘’Politicians are the same all over. They promise to built bridges even when there are no rivers’’ – Nikita Khrushchev

The Irish general election materialized on the 26th of February 2016. Whereby that present weekend people gathered and counted the 43 constituencies voting ballets to elect 158 Teachtaí Dála (TD).The rationality of the electronic system is so Dáil Éireann can acquire 3, 4, or 5 TD’s from the respectful constituencies. Ireland’s constitution provides that a TD should be present for every 20,000 to 30,000 people.

The general election emerged with 158 seats employed and 65.1% of Ireland’s population voted. Additionally a caretaker government is presently in power as no administration party won the majority seats. Thus a coalition government will be formed immediately as talks continue to transpire.

Peadar Tóibín was victoriously elected on the second count – with an overall count off 9942; Tóibín will occupy 1 of the 3 seats in the Meath West constituency. I perceive Tóibín’s platform of fortune was engineered from his social media representation. Portraying a counter opposition regarding Tóibín’s competition is highly prevalent. In addition a blend of tweets and re-tweets combined was Tóibín’s method of success.  Sinn Fein whom is Tóibín’s faction attained 23 seats in Dáil Éireann; the party enlarged their status from the previous General Election.

The standard plutocrat obtains a payment of 87,258 per year, counting taxable allowances and numerous other expenses. To cover accommodation, travel and spending in their constituency; the expenditure of TD’s receive 22.9 million a year – 34,000 a year per TD. The prior three years has resulted in 75 politicians in Dáil Éireann receiving an excess of half million euro to accompany their salary. From the training a plutocrat acquires and production of their operation; do you believe they warrant the above numbers?


Professional Issues in Creative Media, Uncategorized

Artificial Intelligence Vs Mankind


If you don’t want a generation of robots, fund the arts!” – Cath Crowley

The preservation of automation will pursue advancement in our contemporary workforce. Whereby will society attain a positive active role from automation; by decreasing damages and increase gains, additionally as technology proceeds should mankind decline or take charge? As prior common jobs vanish and replaced by robots; the impulse of automated work continues to prosper with a formula of daily tasks are effected by artificial intelligence. Furthermore, as driverless cars inhabit our cities, the diminishment of human jobs surely cannot be that substantial.

Advancements of robots we have envisioned a sizeable rise in sectors such as healthcare and manufacturing.  Benefits of the productivity are perceptibly evident with robots eliminating human error and achievement of a higher accuracy of tasks. Whereas the noticeable enhancements are damaging to the average human, the severity of the situation continues to expand as quality and quantity is the essence of a robots expertise. In addition artificial intelligence averts the human race from conducting dangerous task, as they amplify the protection of work with an eradication of unsecure jobs. Robots will minimize waste, as corporate giants prosper from reducing compensation as injuries will be eliminated and utilization of materials weakens.

”It is tough to make predications especially about the future” – Yogi Berra

An economists Andrew McAfee argues that the innovation of automation will replace jobs and science fiction technology will inhabit our future.  McAfee visions the age of the technical unemployment is imminent, as the emergence of machines demonstrates efficient progress such as responding, conversing, listening, and writing; thus still obtaining new advancements. McAfee explains his theory on the ‘Machine Age’ which inherits abundance and provides our economic system will prosper from it. The economists visualizes that artificial intelligence will not seize jobs in the approaching future. Whereas McAfee clarifies our destiny is in infrastructure, entrepreneurship and accurate educational evolution.  I provide that considering all avenues the ‘Machine Age’ is upon us, but the emergence of artificial intelligence is forthcoming and mankind is required to focus on unique talents and abilities. Although humankinds omission and decision making capacity will be an essential element in divergent sectors.


A study by McKinsey Global Institute has predicted by 2025, robots are deemed to eliminate 40-75 million employees worldwide in service and industrial roles. Multinational corporations are investing excessively in robotics and they estimate by 2017 the motion will be realistic.

I believe the adoption of artificial intelligence is a necessity for evolution to continue; in advance the betterment of weakened areas in humanity can escalate. Opportunity arises for the masses to emphasise on creativity and problem solving. Thus automation triggers innovation and creative thinking in mankind; in addition evaporates repetitious burdens that has depressed generations for centuries.


Professional Issues in Creative Media, Uncategorized

Sharing is Caring!


“Copyright law has got to give up its obsession with ‘the copy.’ The law should not regulate ‘copies’ or ‘modern reproductions’ on their own. It should instead regulate uses–like public distributions of copies of copyrighted work–that connect directly to the economic incentive copyright law was intended to foster.”Lawrence Lessig.

Copyright certifies the art of music with a legal agreement that is granted to the author, publisher and distributor to produce material that is protected. Remix culture is an entourage of music producers that acquire original material and revamp it for their personal consumption; in addition they then create a derivative product. Furthermore, the popular band ‘The Verve’ attained a sample of the orchestra version of the unpopular Rolling Stones song ‘The Last Time’. Negotiation between the bands provided clearance for utilization of this track. In essence I will investigate each section, thus then conclude a judgement on the act of copyright in correspondence to sampled music.

Under inspection the documentary that explored the idea of copyright infringement and musical content of the digital age era is called ‘RIP! A Remix Manifesto’. Throughout the film, the creator of Brett Gaylor and mash-up enthusiast Girl Talk express their ideology on the prevalent media landscape; additionally they dissect the routs.  Advancing throughout I’ve obtained an anti copyright law perspective; our current world model was created by a previous generation and fortunately we provide a preservation of the repetitious model, yet the ubiquitous book the bible is a copyright version of previous religious volume. In addition our diurnal experiences have been gained from people elsewhere – is this not a manifestation of copyright. Originality is only fulfilled in new born babies. Copyright laws fundamentals are only persevered so enormous corporations can attain further prosperity, rarely the original creator achieves a cut. The contemporary engagement between copyright thieves and music entities is a confrontation of money and greed, this model of a control system requires a modification. Metallica drummer Lars Ulrich enlightens the observer on the Napster- controversy, additionally Ulrich provides a lesson on how he’s hypocrite; since as Metallica’s acclaim was accomplished from tape-trading, of course just a avaricious exchange for Ulrich. The present-day illusion of copyright requires obliteration; I become irritated as regrettably this is all regarding corporate gain.

The Verve’s popular track ‘Bitter Sweet Symphony’ was a commercial success. In its opening weekend it accomplished number two in the UK singles Chart and it endured a 3 month chart success. In addition, this sensational track won numerous acknowledgments including a nomination for Best British single and Video of the year at the 1998 MTV music awards. Following the breakthrough of the track, the band was sued by the prior Rolling Stones manager Allen Klien. Klien posses the copyright of the Stones songs in the 1970s; Klien quickly attained this by an assertive business practices. Furthermore, The Verve apparently tarnished the accord of sample music that both parties agreed upon; Klien expresses a sizable portion of the song was acquired by the band. The lawsuit materialised in the favour of the Rolling Stones. Despite the lead vocalist of The Verve; Richard Ashcroft writing the entire lyrics and the paramount violin melody is Ashcroft’s creation; the resulting lawsuit deemed 100% of all assets going towards ABKCO records and Mick Jagger/Keith Richards. Even the Grammy award nomination went to the two bystanders Jagger and Richards. I render this outcome infuriates me, it is inhuman and unjust; the tracks old effect has perished.

Corporate giants are at the core of this issue; these laws are supported by the state and allocated by record companies. The contemporary copyrighting and loyalty system is entirely erroneous; musicians are unable to gain prosperity from these laws and ethics primarily seize to exist. I provide that once excess profit is not obtained from the utilization of sample music; then allocating material is not detrimental. Sharing is caring!


Professional Issues in Creative Media, Uncategorized

My Life Manifest!

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” – Margaret Mead

What do I want from life?! I Indentify life as a universal gift of solidarity, I perceive it’s the formula of hatred and happiness; this venture will only cease when disparity transpires.  A free Life is the ability not to be governed or to be controlled, in addition therefore emancipation is the subject’s choice of mankind’s essential elements of obtained liberation – these goals have to be reached in order to be privileged with self-sufficiency. Furthermore I believe humans are programmed to be controlled, we should deny our programming and unify in the conscious betterment of civilization; I provide it’s a distant aspiration.

I consider myself a realist; I justify this as a consequence of the ubiquitous issues paramount in mankind that we face. The essence of this recognition is from the self aware structure that is created to serve our behaviours, traits and feelings. Additionally this is related to the desires that I require, I crave a total revamped system that provides a preferable world for the masses that serve in it.

How will I assist this, and achieve the desires that I require. I target a conscious revolution that will be epidemically pervasive and emerge as a model of freedom.  Issues that haunt society are not being eradicated, one point is the refugee crisis is paramount and has reached a pandemic scale. Each member of the social network community has access to rampant internet media and has seen the devastation of the cataclysm, heart-breaking occurrence. In addition, we ponder with the phenomenal implications and ask could this migration be prevented – thus in the future can it be pre-empted. The answer, sadly, is yes. 66 million displaced refugees, 46 thousand adding to that number each day. Yet we haven’t restrained this crisis. Today with technological innovation is at its maximum, we should be able to predict and aid the unfortunate mass that has been created within surrounding areas of this worldwide devastation. New agile technology is now available, and together it must be conquered and implemented to help these displaced families that struggle. I render this is a massive desire which I perceive as a requirement in order to fix this section of society. I would like to assist this prevailing issue in aspects of my life.

Furthermore, changing the education paradigm as an illustrator storybook creator is a journey that interests me and relating this to insight of the contemporary educational system structure. I believe education does not need to be reformed nor revamped, what I desire is a transformation. The platform is already prevalent; standardization of the system is the old representation that is monotonous. We need total personalization of discovering individual talents of minors. In relation to my affair in education the opportunity of finding a passionate area never materialised. Creativity was my employment; I absorb this as the only solution of a transformed model. Awareness of the current system is a requirement, this concept of conformity needs to be abolished and replaced with the variety of intelligences.  Like everything we need to change beliefs and behaviours that we acquire to fit in. Rules, norms, laws, power and standards – Are these required?! I believe in the life cycle of every entity are obligated to make a difference aspect.Empathy and creativity is my intrigue in regards to the amends I would like to partake in. Thus a mixture of design, entertain the masses and create difference is my hopeful exploration.

Exceeding all the above expectations my scheme will be achieved. Because of this natural inclination towards empathy, I consider that the masses should care about reaching pandemic alteration of awareness. Replace your current conscious state with awareness and happiness- an accomplishment of a refined model of humanitarian involvements in worldwide epidemics will be attained.

Culture, Society & Creative Media, Uncategorized

What Manifesto?!

“Politics is the gentle art of taking the money of the rich and the votes of the poor, promising to protect each from the other.”  – Lawrence Lessig

A politician is the leader of the masses that conjoin the elite organizations, they manipulate our ideals, norms and social standards. World renowned plutocrat’s duties mainly are representation of the masses and acquire functionality throughout government entities. We elect these officials to address epidemics and ubiquitous issues that are paramount in society. Throughout Ireland they unify for the betterment of our nation, in addition they sometimes arrogate our views. Furthermore they misrepresent current progression in existence so in return they can gain advancements in their current illusionary facade – thus they entitle this work. The plutocrat I have adopted to cognize and follow is Peadar Tóibín. I render I will monitor Tóibín’s progression on social media outlets and provide a forecast result of Tóibín’s campaign.

The production of Tóibíns relationship with social media platforms is achieved and his standard of utilization is quiet excessive. His duties primarily are to mediate day to day tasks, publicise his persuasive leader portrayal and promote his cleaning up of his constituency’s wrongs. His stance must not be acrimonious nor cause misguidance.  The plutocrat under inspection has objectives, which are predominantly to be pre-eminent and achieve admiration from the people. His specialty is towards innovation, Jobs, Enterprise and in addition Tóibíns a junior spokesman of finance. Tóibín’s apparent twitter involvement has resulted in 4,097 followers, whereas a formula of re-tweets and posts is prevalent. I perceive that Tóibín will achieve his goals on Friday’s election; additionally I provide the assumption that his affiliation will conquer the ballot.

Gathering data on Tóibín’s manifesto with Sinn Fein I notice a missing segment, in relation to our nation signing the TTIP agreement. TTIP is an acronym of Transatlantic Trade and investment partnership. The contents of this agreement are complex, but it incorporates the European Union and the United States of America. The negotiations between both affiliations take place behind closed doors which demonstrates a secret agenda, thus the misplacement of democracy is prevalent. This ubiquitous agreement will set standards and future trade investments at a pandemic scale. Resulting in an overshadowing of necessities of humanity so transnational corporation entities will prosper eternally.

This Erroneous duplicitous systems that doesn’t serve the planet’s needs, nor serve the population of the planet, on the contrary it serves political and corporate elites. My beliefs are apathetic towards plutocrats; I render a no voting perspective of treachery and deceit which current politicians are notorious in achieving.  Plutocrats are nothing but negative faces in mankind’s dive towards controlled slavery for the masses to comprehend, in addition to our everyday norms and values. Multinational corporations dodging tax systems in Ireland such as Facebook, Amazon etc I provide that these corporations all agree on this term crony capitalism, because they sadly gain enjoyment out of doing the repetitious order to make more equity. Companies are getting more efficient, countries are getting richer, and jobs are getting limited and shorter to come by. 7 billion people serve on this earth and just under half make 2 dollars a day – this needs to be addressed along with everything else. We created an underclass. We need to create a conscious revolution to overthrow this system; we need social and political change. I render we need a new deal.

Issues that are not being addressed.

  • Spread of Infectious Disease
  • Armed Conflict
  • Global Overpopulation
  • Global Terrorism
  • Refugee crisis
  • Climate Change
  • Poverty, World Hunger and Lack of Drinking Water.


Professional Issues in Creative Media

Daniel Levitin: “The Organized Mind: Thinking Straight in an Age of Information Overload”

“Our brain alternates between a focused state and a fluid, daydreaming mode. The focus helps us get work done; the mind wandering offers rest and creativity. But the barrage of digital data means we’re always interrupting these states, switching back and forth at breakneck speed. And since the switch comes at a high metabolic cost, we’re constantly fatigued. Add to that: we keep finding new ways to tax our already over stimulated systems. Because we’re wired for novelty, we seek out more and more: online lists, YouTube videos, Instagram photos.” – Daniel Levitin

The organisation of our minds is a immense struggle in modern  society. We have enhanced a monotonous portrayal of procrastination that is currently holding back the average person from attaining aims.

Dr. Daniel Levitin renders some perceptions on how we have a flood of information at an unendurable cost. Interestingly Levitin has illustrated numerous amounts of mannerisms where we’ve obtained overdriven material in a short time scale of just two decades. Levitin explains we currently have 5 times the weight of imminent data since 1986, which is parallel to 174 newspapers on each given day. Currently, Levitin feels the masses are required to make more unhesitating decisions regarding our survival than ever before. In addition, this levies for an unorthodox volume of verdicts that hold back our advancement in mankind. This results in loss of memory, misplacing items, and fatigue by trying to be on par with the competition. Furthermore, Levitin clarifies how the human race has transcended and provides intuition into the betterment of resourceful management in our daily lives – homes, workplaces, educational advancement. However, we ourselves have become associated with the management of information for all the wrong reasons. . Levitin conveys interesting advice regarding the myth of multitasking and dispenses prestigious data on sleep patterns and tips on how to remain focused – a 10-minute nap can correspond to 1.5 hours of relaxation missed the previous night, therefore a calculation rise in your IQ by 10 points will be achieved.


Recent neuroscience research indicates we don’t multitask, we simply switch task simultaneously and this is identified by a stop-start process. In addition, I and one of my associates took the liberty and attempted the above multitasking exercise. This ventured a correction on our perspectives on multitasking towards switch-tasking. The task ratified that we take longer to do two activities at once. Concentrating on one action is preferable with the outcome proving more achievable and superior.

I endured a number of interesting points throughout Levitin’s talk. One being that in order to be more productive and creative we don’t need to obligate our brains with statistics that are irrelative and repetitious. This applies to the current education system model. Levitin believes the internal curriculum in schools needs to shift. He illustrates that we need to abolish the factual course work we inspire towards kids. We should promote creativity by exploring the minor’s creative abilities and during this process demonstrate how prevalent education is negative towards other intelligences and thus how it unfortunately eradicates academic potential. Advancing throughout, I render how subject hierarchies of English, Maths & Science are commanding over Drama, Dance & Art and how that is damaging. We should provide a new pattern in which an individual’s creative capabilities can be harnessed and enhanced and promote a new alternative for the current educational system that a mass can fundamentality love and succeed. This will result in mass epidemics becoming fixed more prevalent at a pandemic scale, in result our kids will be developed creatively and intelligently – the modification of the education paradigm.




Culture, Society & Creative Media, Uncategorized

Pop Cultural Emancipation!

All over the place, from the popular culture to propaganda system, there is a constant pressure to make people feel that they are helpless, that the only role they can have is ratify and consume.  –Noam Chomsky

Pop culture is a universal language, which commands a seemly superficial prestige to make the masses fantasise, smile and to connect us across racial, political and social divides. It is piece of our fabric in mankind. Furthermore, we are brainwashed into having admiration for it, acclaim it and absorb from the betterment of it. This will provide for the preservation of pop culture – the popular paradigm illusion.

The components that we acquire in daily pop culture are fundamental values, norms, and symbols. We relatively feed this distinguishment by our competiveness, ideologies, individualism – this is detrimental to the contemporary cultural climate. I render that we should develop this matrix for the betterment of mankind. This rendered portrayal of pop culture will provide an eradication of ignorant traits. However, we have to become self aware of the production of our viral connectivity. This community is damaging and it promotes depression. Eliminating the widespread acclaim of current pop culture out of my persona has become quite strenuous. Today’s media is immediate and partaking in the contemporary trends is merely not an option, but I do consider it an illusion. The fantasy of this mediation is spread out immediately at the same time. This is the competition – songs, movies, literature, video games, and TV shows – basically anything that has mainstream values that gives us the perception of fame. Pop culture is the reflection of mainstream society. We enhance all the current ideologies and in return our civilisation has this universal cultural acceptance. This then assembles our social reality to make individuals feel popular towards the masses; this is the fabrication we are exposed to on social media platforms. I perceive it’s the fake consciousness that is created by the elite. They strive to be more superior to each other and they propel the same traits on us. This is designed to keep the masses unaware and ignorant, to distract us from the wealth and power of the world.  In result we obey the law and follow the powerful entities of mankind. This feeds us with fake persona’s that they create of phoney programs like soap operas or scandals in the celebrity world. Furthermore I feel it’s a massive misstep in our evolution; it is unoriginal and has low standard. We should deny this cultural norm and disregard it from our existence, but unfortunately, I provide it’s a distant aspiration.

The prevailing ubiquitous culture that we call pop is vast and has been moving at immense speed over the past decade. Social network platforms has taken over civilisation on a pandemic scale.  Connectivity continues to inspire man, whereas previously it was not as prevalent. However, it is a fragment of our programming, it’s the essence of daily routines we regrettably cannot deny or eliminate.

In addition, some monotonous alterations in the past decade has adjusted humanities prominence world.  Let’s put them into perspective – Music in 2005 Britany Spears was a Grammy winner, currently non-existent. In the celeb world in 2005 Kim Kardashian barely existed, now… well you already know the answer. Finally, in the movies, Star Wars was the dominating feature in 2005 and it was majorly dominate in 2015. Whereby the rise of Facebook, Snapchat and Twitter transcend across mankind.

I accept that I have acquired subjective biased and personal views of the global pop cultural spheres essence, yet my compassion for the masses provides me with the aspiration that we can achieve pandemic widespread emancipation from this destructive cultural norm.

Human Computer Interaction, Uncategorized

The unorthodox Raspberry Pi


Raspberry Pi a minuscule Linux PC that results into a really big deal. This innovative bare-bonus Linux  that costs pittance, has paved the way to aid kids to absorb code. In addition its functionality mounts as its powerful enough to handle daily tasks such as spreadsheets and word processing. Mankind’s gaming mass is at hand as the PI provides platform amusements, for instance Tetris, Minecraft and Snake. This majestic technological creation enhances IT literacy and educates minors on how to utilize their applications. However, interestingly enough it could supply advancing countries with technological advancements -Touché Pi.

